Saturday, August 15, 2009

Russia in 3 days!!

For anyone who has not heard, I am off to Russia in 3 days!! The anxiety is literally taking over my life, I get way too nervous anytime I look at my suitcase and try to spend as much time away from my home as possible. It's way to scary to try and pack for four months, let alone for a country you've never been to. Perhaps I am just a really bad traveler because traditionally I wait until the night or morning of my departure and throw a couple tee's in my backpack. What could a student possibly need in Russia other than a couple sweaters right? My good friend and fellow exchange student Kevin Schur has started a blog completely dedicated to the Briecrest Russia exchange students where friends and family will receive regular updates of what's going on. I too will be writing of my experience, but something tells me that Kevin's unique humor and extreme love for metal and beards will add a twist that no reader can afford to miss. That is unless you don't like metal or beards, then I would suggest that you have no place on this blog either.


  1. Yo nice blog, it makes me want to make mine more serious. What is John O's blog address? I want to start following his too.

    Does J.S. Pierre have one too ?

  2. Josh's blog is at

    Mine is at


  3. Hah yeah they do, Jottens is called 'Speculative Hermenutics' and JSPs is called 'Contemplating the Crepuscular' and can be found in my friends blogroll on the righthand side. If I had one word of advice for you it would be this: Get into blogging. It's rad and will change your life, (as in you will lose a lot of sleep to it)

  4. oh wow Jottens beat me to the punch!! I got to learn to type way faster with that vet blog master around!

  5. haha, but I liked your comment better. 'Get into blogging. It's rad and will change your life.' That is some solid advice.

